Creating a scalable brand identity for a weird new brewery.
Project Summary
Before Creston Brewery was a place you could go for a meal and a great beer, it was just a hazy dream in the minds of its founders. Starting with a blank slate (and A LOT of wild ideas), we distilled a clear brand vision, established foundational brand elements, crafted the brand narrative, and designed everything a budding brewery needs: logos, menus, beer labels, business cards, letterhead, murals, etc.
My Role:
Creative Direction - James Barber & Rosemary Mifsud
Branding / Logo Design
Package Design
Menu Design
Print Design
Illustrations - Rosemary Mifsud and James Barber
Murals / painting - Rosemary Mifsud

The Beer “C” quickly communicates the most essential variables of each unique libation, empowering patrons to order a pint with their “in the know” beer brewing buddies without having to secretly google “Dunkelweizen” in the bathroom.

Collaboratively discovering Creston’s unique brand narrative
Branding is all about telling a compelling story, so we started our journey by researching, collecting, and crafting the details that made Creston’s story unique. We organized ideas on digital mood boards that we discussed and revised with the team. When the vision was crystalized and everyone was all in, we set out to define the foundational elements: type, color, voice, and visual language. As we sketched, presented, argued and iterated, the brand began to take on a life of its own. Slowly, the garden of ideas blossomed and grew into the unruly and overgrown neighborhood beer garden you see today.